For students and new users who are just starting out managing online websites and blogs, there’s the easy way and the hard way. Most new users are encouraged to go via the easy way. The hard way is for advanced users. Those who have spent countless hours managing websites and/or blogs online. They are comfortable using the command line interface and configuring Linux servers. Because of the challenges of come with managing websites and domains the hard way, folks developed tools to help with that process. Tools such as cPanel and others were developed so that new users can manage websites and domains easily without learning how to configure Linux servers or complicated systems. The hard way is not for students or new webmasters. This brief tutorial is going to show you how to create WordPress databases via Cpanel hosting tool, the easy. Cpanel makes managing websites and domain changes easy. So easy, you don’t even need to be an IT pro.


Before you can manage your website using Cpanel, you must first sign up for hosting services from web host providers. These providers include Cpanel utility for users to use to manage their websites. Those who want to register for a free account to test out can read the post below:

Creating WordPress MySQL databases

After you have signed up for an account, continue below to learn how to create MySQL databases. First, open Cpanel and navigate to the database section as shown below and select MySQL Databases. Next, type in a new database name and click Create Database After you click Create Database, a new database will be created with the name you provided, preceded by your host account username.

Create a WordPress database user account

Your next step after creating the database is to create a database user account. This account will have rights to the database and will be allowed to store and retrieve data from the database. To do that, go to MySQL database configuration page and under the MySQL user section, type in a user account name and password and click Create a User That will create a new user account with the name you provided preceded by your host account username.

Grant the user account rights to the newly created database

The final step is to grant the user account rights to manage the database. This account will be the only account to insert data into the database and retrieve data from the database when requested. At the bottom of MySQL configuration page, select the user and the database to which you want to grant the account access to and click Add When prompted to select the rights to give the user account, it won’t hurt to give the account full access by selecting All Privileges. Next click Make changes to apply. That it! This database and user can now be defined in WordPress configuration page when setting up a new WordPress installation. You may also like this post below: